Monday was 11/11; it was Veterans Day. It also would have been my Nonna’s (Grandmother’s) birthday; I think I look like her. She was a strong woman who stood tall at 4’11”. Nonna had a great smile; I see that in all my photos of her. I love her smile. Her smile looks like she has a secret. I don’t have that kind of smile; I wish I had that sly, secretive smile.
Nonetheless, on Monday, November 11th, 2024, when I sat down to write for SquaareKat, I intended to finish the post about 20th-century dictators, which I mentioned in an earlier blog post. But the day of Eleven-Eleven (also known for its excellent karmic manifestation energy) was not the day to speak of ill-spirited behaviors. Although I try not to get caught up in all that, trying to finish up the blog post was not sitting well with me; therefore, I decided to write this one.
On Tuesday, November 5th, 2024, the United States of America had the 2024 Presidential election. Obviously, our new president was not my choice. Donald Trump won the presidential election. Although I will not express any good cheers for the country. As an American, I will honor a peaceful transition of power.
Consequently, I had the week since last Tuesday to consider the campaign, election, and both candidates.
Yet, last week was rough; I’m not going to lie; after finding out the election results, my little guy Teddy (he takes priority) was sick (stomach issues); after two visits to the vet, he is feeling better.
To get my mind off of Teddy, the world, women’s issues, and anything that lives rent-free in my head, I took apart my office/art studio, purged it, organized my art supplies, and cleaned my office. My studio/office was finally completed on Sunday and ready for Monday.
Here is the thing: as therapeutic as that sounds and as cleansing as that can be, memories or moments still pass through the mind, and with that, emotions, thoughts, and anxieties can still be part of the process, especially with matters of the heart such as a sick pet, to family conflicts, and stress that runs the gamut from future uncertainties to unresolved overwhelming grief. Sadly, all of these can be triggered by an event such as a highly publicized presidential election.
Although I consider myself a highly functional woman, Donald Trump winning the presidency should not have affected my capacity to cope. Don’t get me wrong, I was not happy about it. I had my moments, but no one will see me down over this. I have friends who are hurt and afraid because of this, but they are tough, too. And I will assure them their fear will be short-lived; that is what I can do for my friends.
The early-aftermath election is strange; Donald Trump is choosing his cabinet members, and his choices are odd. The threat of Project 2025 is looming over our heads; well, the heads that have learned about or understand that it is an actual proposal, especially with Trump’s cabinet choices, such as Pete Hegseth, who has questioned the role of women in combat (and so it begins no big surprise there).
Although the democratic candidates Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz conceded graciously, Maga followers are still spewing hateful pomposity. Yet, we must move away from the Maga toxicity and move forward as a united force. This is a perfect opportunity to take the time to learn and reflect on the campaign, the election, and both candidates.
Unequivocally, Kamala Harris ran an excellent campaign; her team exhibited a historical on-the-ground campaign in 107 days. Were there enough days? Probably not! Did we need a more prominent horn? Absolutely! And did Kamala need more space from Joe Biden? Perhaps, but that horn should have sung his praises louder.
The damn truth behind that horn is that the U.S. media, our news network, is not telling people the news anymore. Fox News is the Republican Party’s and Trump’s propaganda machine. A bunch of talking heads tell their audience what is happening, and then the pundits express their feelings or scream about it. CNN is Fox Light, MSNBC is clickbait, Newsmax, and your mainstream networks are all the same.
You want proof instead of questioning why Trump picked Matt Gaetz as Attorney General and have a panel of talking heads talk about it until it is a dead horse. They should report that Donald Trump has picked Matt Gaetz as his Attorney General as news…serious news; make the audience understand that this is serious and announce why Matt Gaetz is the worst possible person for this position, remind the public of his past as news without the panel, the debate but news. Make accountability meaningful again.
That may be the first step towards moving forward; our news networks, podcasters, and YouTubers (Political Influencers) must change their tune, and somehow, the FCC needs to realize that the Fox Broadcast and Newsmax must be eliminated, as I mentioned above it is one-sided favoring one man Donald Trump and pandering to his desires. In addition, accountability must be front and center. The verity of all of this is that since the election, there have been some hard truths that we all have to reflect on and learn from. The right has claimed that the referendum was about immigration and the economy.
The democratic party believed our democracy was in jeopardy and our constitution was going to be destroyed. Additional factors such as sexism and racism had substantial roles during the campaign; women’s health issues were a noteworthy concern among certain women.
It was proven that sexism and racism could not be measured; therefore, when the right was comparing a failed economy and the threat of immigrants taking jobs away or, worse, killing innocent people because of the newsfeeds. Saving democracy and the constitution (which sounds vague) and trying to save women from having abortions (which some women were like, that is not about me); regardless of whether they were Trump fans or not, they voted for what they understood.
The next four years will be lengthy and challenging; however, this is a perfect learning opportunity. Yet, as I mentioned earlier, we need to put accountability front and center for everyone, not just our politicians but everyone: me, you, doctors, lawyers, cashiers, students, your children, your spouse, your family, the news reporter, the weather man, The POTUS, The VEEP, Everyone; and when accountability is finally established then let’s introduce conscience; this is nothing new, this is our first-year bible study for some or our kindergarten Catechism class for others.
Writing this post was necessary, and you may ask yourself why is this important to her? Because I am who I am, I must make a wrong right.
Last Tuesday was the election Donald Trump won.
Since Monday, after the dust settled and I finally had the time to write this blog post, without fail, just like Trump’s first term, The freaking rapid-fire news started pouring in… I could not keep up all because Donald Trump chose his cabinet.
News media discussion, debates among other pundits, laughter, and jokes. Every so-called reporter was just weighing in their opinions, being devil’s advocate, second-guessing one another, not listening, and not reporting the news.
The American people do not listen to these reporters or hear what they say as newsworthy. Americans are not getting the data as news and will not treat it as something that once upon a time was questioned, rejected, and accepted.
As I mentioned earlier, the rapid-fire news is a typical Trump characteristic; watch for this; it is constant and brilliant. It is distracting; the public and the media can only focus on what they can, yet it is difficult when something is constantly being churned out, especially if it piques some interest; but oddly, it is constant it keeps the public, the media, and news reporters from concentrating on more serious matters or stories not being churned out so readily. What news is hidden in all the spectacular bombardment news one after another?
I do not know what the future will look like after the inauguration. But, I promise to open my eyes and educate myself regarding current events.
Going forward, I will share what I can, but in truth, my anxiety level is a bit high these days; most of that anxiety stems from the upcoming holiday season – yes, I’m not a fan, but I do show up.
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, so I would love to share my love of Thanksgiving and show off my creative side. I will write about my holiday experiences and the holiday spirit, sprinkled with life-changing events, and continue adding content regarding substantial matters that desperately need to be discussed as what I am learning as I have promised myself. Time to learn, to reflect, and to move forward together!
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One Comment
Nick Bernhard
Beautifully expressed, and hit the bullseye 🎯.