Ten Things of Thankful

Today is my Birthday Eve…ten things of thankful all about me!

I love Birthday eves and have been wishing everyone I know a happy birthday eve,  as well as tracking them down on the actual birthday, to wish everyone a beautiful day every year.  For some years now, birthday eve wishes have become competitive with some family members. This year because of an unspoken technicality (there are no rules) my sister Silvana wins by texting me on Saturday wishing me a Happy Birthday eve, eve! However, my cousin Angela was the first to wish me a Happy Birthday Eve on Facebook.
Celebrating birthday eve – reminds me to reflect on the past year, when I wish everyone a birthday eve what I’m really saying is, the year has ended reflect on that for the moment…tomorrow starts a new year, another beginning – consider that too.  
Another year for me – what will I face? What can I change?  What will remain the same?  What will inspire me?  What will heal me…..so many questions right?
First Thankful – is another year!
Second Thankful- making plans for me – setting goals and good positive modifications.
Third thankful goes to these teeny tiny plugs of peaceful bliss – yes I slept and slept in too, to a wonderful 6 am, not 3 am, not 4am, or 5am…6 am, baby!
Fourth Thankful –   It’s my birthday eve and everyone will know it…
Fifth  thankful – Small herb garden in my kitchen- finally committed to buying three herbs yesterday at the market;   Basil, Mint, and Rosemary.
Sixth thankful containers to hold the herbs and catch the water, I found them in my basement among many mugs that I do not have room for, the cost zilch.
How lovely does that look?
Number Seven– goes to this quiet morning and my second cup of coffee.
Eight – making peace with change – it is inevitable many changes in the workplace, all positive but more importantly I am up for the challenge, as I always am!
Nine – thankful for the last six years; six years ago, on April 1 we started our journey to make our family complete and bring our children home. Six years ago, we righted a wrong and finally took what was misplaced, and brought it where it needed to be, in our hearts and in our lives forever. I am so thankful that we knew what was meant to be without question or hesitation.
They did not want to sightsee; they wanted to go swimming in the hotel’s pool.
Ten –  A Saturday afternoon nap;  after all the errands were completed I took a much-needed nap– I  didn’t know how much I needed a rest,  I  think I am like that darn bunny that keeps on going, except I need to remind myself often, “it’s okay to stop.”  A rainy afternoon was the perfect day to cuddle up with my little Teddy and sleep.


He knows how to relax and nap… so I needed the help of a professional.



14 Comments on “Today is my Birthday Eve…ten things of thankful all about me!

  1. You have so much wonderful in this post! Happy birthday to you!
    I love the kitchen herb garden. I so want one, but my cats would eat them all for starters. And my kitchen is in the middle of the house so no decent window for sunlight – we'd have to go to the dining room. Of course, I could do what I did a few summers ago and plant on the back deck…perhaps you've inspired me to try again!

  2. "…making peace with change"
    ayiieee! can there be anything more important (to not only living but to changing …both for the better and perhaps what may seem 'not the better') !!
    hey! no fair citing a dog as model of proper living! they are the masters (imo) of 'live the moment'

    Happy Birth-eve. though, at this writing it may be Happy Birthday.

  3. Happy Birthday week! 🙂

    That little shelf in your kitchen is awesome! The perfect place for some herb plants in pretty, free pots!

    Good grief, what is wrong with us that we think 6:00 is sleeping in?? Glad you got some good sleep, regardless of what time wakeup was. 🙂

  4. oh marisa!
    happy birthday darling bean! i love the idea of "birthday eve."
    and i love your little professional napper. LOLOL! i would love to nap with him too!
    and the picture of you and nick and the kids… so wonderful.
    and just think… many wonderful years yet to come!
    blessings heaped upon your heads! XOXO♥

  5. You have a chicken with a belly you can write on?!
    I keep rosemary and basil in my windowsill all summer and until it finally dies a leggy and painful death, but I enjoy the heck out of it until that happens!
    Happy birthday eve and happier birthday day!

  6. Thank you – i have been wanting to get herbs for that shelf for some time now,let's hope they stay alive – i also have an outside her garden each year

    you should do one too – so nice to go out and what you need. 🙂

  7. I am trying, but after this week i'm getting a bit nervous but let's hope for the best. no better time to start on a new year don't you think – hehehe that dog is the wee king of the house – i can't help it. Thank you !

  8. thank you –

    I know 6 am is a good sleep in morning – but holy moly – it would be nice to rest – at least i got a nap in boy did i need that one.


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