Ten Things of Thankful

The Thankfuls Noticed Gifts – Tens Things of Thankfuls….


I am so sorry about last week, and missing The Ten Things of Thankfuls.  I was not able to get myself to write any thankfuls, and I know too well that the weeks where I have no desire to be thankful, or find the gratitude, are exactly the ones that I should be looking for those silly silver linings high and low.
Well not to worry I have a second chance, this week was the same, with the same kind of let downs and, just feeling disappointed.  Here is the thing, this discontent has nothing to do with me, but it does have to do with someone special that I love very dearly.  This special person is going through a sad situation; to add insult to injury, is also trying to figure out some things that was learned during this time. This person is trying to make sense of a family member in this person’s life, and their relationship with each other; my friend is wondering, was this relationship so one-sided and truly not realized just how tipped the scale was? 
So I’ll say it anyway…when someone I love is suffering I am too.  I really feel bad – yet the only thing I can do is listen, and just give advice to make peace with the situation and find that darn silver lining because it’s there.
When it comes to thankfuls and gratitude quite often, I ask what the point is. 
I guess when you can take the time to recognize a benefit in your life, you are acknowledging a greater power or force; because I have to believe that the bad comes from a growth, a development of a thought, something that was conjured.  On the other hand the good things, those crazy silver linings are always there waiting to be noticed. I think that is right, at least I hope so.
So vaguely, I am explaining what is going on; the truth is, although it is a sad situation that needs to be dealt with, all of it has paralyzed me, and nothing else is felt or noticed.  What  is really sad is, I don’t have any control, as I never do  with any of the serious stuff that goes on  in life and sadly  some great wonderful things have happened in my life without so much of an acknowledgment or a thank you to the gifts that I receive each day.
Gifts like these:
Thankful one – he is 14 years old – I cannot be any prouder
Thankful two – was celebrated in my favorite place our beach on the North Shore of Long Island, we had pizza and cupcakes and everyone had a great time.


Thankful Three 
A silly family tradition….
Thankful Four- My homemade Carrot Sauce – made it today for dinner
You can read about it here 
Thankful Five
I have a little girl that is curious and snoops around the house and just needed to see my wedding dress.
Thankful Six – summer clothes fiasco done-   yay!
Thankful Seven- as of 10 pm last night I thought I was done.
Except there were a couple of things that were missing; but I just thought they were given to charity.  Yet  this morning I was wondering out loud that I was not able to find a pair of palazzo pants that were purchased last year, hubby said that there was another bag upstairs  when he brought the bag downstairs I was, huh, I still have to put these away –  arrgh!  I found the palazzo pants along with more tees…the rest of the bag were Nick’s shorts and tee shirts.   Thankful Eight
Thankful Nine- A cup of tea – there are some nights I collapse on the couch, either reading or watching the TV – and in walks Nick with a cup of tea…for me!
Thankful Ten
Thunderstorms are approaching – on my way home and we are all safe – observing in the comfort of our home.


8 Comments on “The Thankfuls Noticed Gifts – Tens Things of Thankfuls….

  1. I love that Thank You stone and think it could be a most excellent new badge for Lizzy's contest. You've got a handsome young man there and don't they just about bust your heart wide open with pride at times?

  2. I love that Thank You stone and think it would make a great new badge for the contest Lizzy has going on!

    You've got a handsome young man there – don't they just about bust your heart with pride at times?

    That sky in your last picture looks pretty ominous – glad you were at home!

  3. I think that this is a very commendable list considering that you are not feeling your emotional best. It may help if you take a giant step back from the emotional part of your friend's dilemma and look at things cognitively. A steady head can help a floundering heart. I hope that this week is much better for you and the ones you love.

  4. I had no idea of a contest- thanks letting me know – it is befitting because I drew on it and wrote thank you because or was inspired by Lizzi who draws on rocks too – last summer we spent some days at our town beach and when it was over I found that rock and drew on it – before the day was over I threw the rock in the LI Sound (beach) to send out my gratitude, for a lovely time…

    Thank you my son makes me proud when he is not making me crazy…

    I was five short blocks away… when I got home the storm was still brewing so I had time..

    Psst I love a good thunderstorm of course on my terms which we are all home


  5. Thank you – you are absolutely right – and I have taken a step back yet I have also been there to just listen and agree that is all I can do – because my point is too that even though things are not always perfect – it should not stop me to appreciate it all – 🙂

  6. I love a good thunderstorm, as long as it doesn't bring severe weather. Pretty much done with severe weather. The best kind is rumbly thunder on a morning when I don't have to be anywhere and can lie in bed and enjoy it.
    Happy birthday to your son! Love your silly tradition!
    Changing out the wardrobe is time consuming, but also a great way to purge a lot of stuff. Glad you found your missing clothes. Happens to me every year – I know I'm missing some items and have myself convinced I must have given them away. And sometimes I have!
    I'm sorry you're having such a rough time, and I hope it gets better.

  7. just have been think a lot about you marisa.
    hoping all has come round well with you and that you're just enjoying the summer…
    which I know can be all too brief there!
    ours seems to go on forever here. last year the excessive heat was all the way through november!
    but I lived through it and am thankful for that! numbers 1 through 10 for me all in one! LOLOL.
    much love dear bean. sending you hugs. xoxo♥

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