a four-sided view on just about anything!

Thank You For Being My Friend….and Ten Things of Thankful

Thank You For Being My Friend….and Ten Things of Thankful
Last week was a bit crazy…work was busy, which is a good thing right… maybe I should consider adding it to my weekly thankfuls, maybe that thankful is in my heart quietly.
I love what Piglet says to Winnie such a good friendship, strong and fragile at the same time.
Did you know that friendships are strictly a voluntary relationship?  It is on the lowest scale of relationships and listed as the following; romantic partners, parents, siblings, children and friends.
Friendship is entered by choice; it lacks formal structure, which means I wouldn’t or could not speak to my husband for weeks or months.  Yet with friends, no questions asked I can go months, weeks and dare I say years without speaking to any of them, then one day the phone rings and my friend is on the other end of the phone and poof as if no time passed we are talking, laughing, caring and making plans to see one another.
By the end of my crazy week, I was thinking of my friends …I was thinking about them for a number of reasons; sometime in the past two weeks someone asked me if I make friends easily – and truthfully I don’t, and this revelation, which I have always known, hit me hard.  However, a fact is a fact; therefore, it began my obsession to learn about friendship.
I’m cautious  when I make friends, yet when I am welcomed and feel the love – I’m your friend forever….yet, even then I still leave some space between my friends and me.
I don’t have many friends and consider only a handful to be my close friends.  Therefore, without mentioning names here are my ten thankfuls.
Friends if you are reading this post I am certain you’ll know whom each thankful belongs to.
One -Thank you for stealing me; and Nicky too…
Two – Thank you for giving me, Nicky and Rocky a home for eight months.
Three – Thank you for our late night talks on the phone – so many years ago.
Four –   Thank you for long phone calls, although our distance is far you are close to my heart always.
Five – Thank you for no matter where I was vacationing, anytime we were in your neck of the woods you always made it a point to visit me. 
Six – Thank you for your support during a confusing time in all of our lives – we started out at day 3000 together, we bonded, always making sure our children stayed friends.
Seven – Thank you for helping me get a message across many time zones.
Eight – Thank you for our talks during our drive home – your positive advice and compliments made a huge difference in my day.  
Nine – Thank you for being nice to me when I was helping you unglue your mailbox, also I am very grateful to you for running with me.
Ten – Thank you to all of you – I wish you can see yourself through my eyes – and how special you are all to me.


16 thoughts on “Thank You For Being My Friend….and Ten Things of Thankful”

  • Love Milne quotes from Pooh. So incredibly tender.
    Lovely list as well. The idea of friendship being strictly voluntary inspires me to make some connections this week to those who "volunteer" for me!

  • What a beautiful post, Marisa! I believe you and I are a lot alike. I don't make friends easily, either. My closest friends are ones who live far away from me, and that's hard, but I love how easy it is to pick up where we left off when we talk, just like you described.
    Oh, and that's probably my FAVORITE Pooh quote. See? We're alike!

  • Aw, that pig and bear are the best of friends, always. Hope all the friends you described get to read this, to see which special memories you hold with each of them.

  • Here we differ, because I've learned to see a good friendship as absolutely the HIGHEST form of love, with no agenda or taking back, just support and unconditional love and encouragement, BECAUSE CHOICE – there is no obligation in friendship. It's utterly voluntary, there are no official or biological ties, and it's JUST based in love, and it can be EVERYTHING.

    SO glad you have such good friends, and I LOVE that WTP cartoon, and what Piglet says.

  • I love Winnie's quotes – thank you. i love that too all my friends that i described up there do just that – we pick up where we left off every single time – and it makes me feel great for days…:)

  • I was just talking with my daughter about this topic the other day. She always says that she doesn't have many friends, yet she is constantly texting friends (sometimes 5 at the same time!) and going out with them or telling me about them. She thinks I make friends way easier than she does. This is what I told her:
    There are different levels of friends. I have a handful of people I consider my very best friends. From there, it circles out to more and more people I still call friend, but they aren't the ones who know my deepest thoughts. They aren't the ones I talk to about the most personal of topics. Yet we have fun and have things in common, so they are friends, too. Plus, I have 6 kids and we've been in the same parish for 17 years. I have to meet and interact with a whole lot of people, and after all that time and experiences together, of course I call them friends! But there is still only that handful of people who are the most special to me.
    Well, that was a bit of a ramble that didn't make a whole lot of sense, wasn't it? 🙂

  • you are absolutely right- i too have any friends, its the 5,6 or 7 that because of many years, and a real bonding that are in my heart forever….

    we were having a similar conversation with my nieces and daughter yesterday at lunch basically they were advising Amelia that eventually her "girl friends" and even she will start weeding out girls that don't have the same interests or isn't a true friend – she'll know what to do when it happens.

    wow this friendship thing on so many levels has many layers? how interesting.

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