Ten Things of Thankful

Ten things of Thankful – The Guilty Pleasure Version….

I decided that… in order for me to be who I am, I need to continue to write and stay on this journey. Who knows where it will lead me.  
I join you this week, and must express my gratitude to all of you, for continuing to share with everyone your thankfulness; you are all an inspiration to me. Therefore, I join you – it’s been too long.
….Ahhhh it is Sunday lined up to hit the air tonight are two series both so different from the other that one cannot believe that I enjoy both shows. First up is the prestigious Downton Abbey, the second is the brazen Showtime series Shameful… basically their difference is evident, yet their opposites attract this viewer, it is my guilty pleasure and my first Thankful….  
One – A Simple guilty pleasure
Instead of watching either show tonight I will watch the Golden Globes, and truthfully I will stay up as long as I can; if I am falling asleep I will go to bed …I promise.  I am exhausted; blame that on having too much fun last night.
Two –  A day of taking it easy…..( oops another guilty pleasure)
We had an impromptu cousins reunion here on the Island,  with the exception of two families living in different states- all my first cousins live here on Long Island.  With our busy lives it is so hard to  get together more often … it was fun hanging with the family; it was touching watching our children come together reacquaint with each other and start playing, laughing and having fun…
Three –
Claudia and Silvana 
we are who we are, because of each other…..
Four –
Cousins –
No names needed but here is the true low-down about my family.
Women, ladies, girls—- out of  twelve cousins there are 8 lovely ladies (including me and my sisters)…….Girls rule in our family lineage.
These girls….ahem women, have influenced me beyond any words can describe,  it’s because of our close family ties that we are all confident, strong, sensitive and strive to do better every day!
That should make 10 – but I will continue because, well; I hate to  come up short.  Then again, I am short, yet  I stand tall with my lovely ladies knowing that we are who we are because of one another….
Five –
I must add the 4 boys/men  cousins, all married to strong, confident women –  so ladies I salute you…
Six –
Our husbands, who oddly enough get along – respect each other, enjoy getting together indulging on a cigar, a beer, a cup of coffee – they talk, listen, laugh and they complete my family.
Seven  –
The second generation – all precious in their own way – truly get along – last night they entertained each other playing soccer and football – on occasion they came to check in and I enjoyed dancing, laughing and even talking with them….they are such loves… pssst you know that the the girls out number the boys by 10  in the second generation too– is it any wonder.
Eight  –  
I didn’t win powerball …whew!  Can you imagine how different my life would be  if I had – poof in an instance, my life would not be the same…yeah I know this is not something one should be thankful…however I am thankful that I was able to play  – I had the $2.00 to spare – something I should not take for granted.
Nine  – another week past and we are all right! 
Ten   – last one it’s Sunday, a day of rest, that is what I am doing…taking it easy.
And here is something to think about tomorrow when you need to be at a desk working and all you want to do is hide because it is Monday…..
What are your thankfuls this week can you come up with ten  – I did they are there every time.


7 Comments on “Ten things of Thankful – The Guilty Pleasure Version….

  1. It sounds as though you have a wonderfully close and supportive family. That's lovely, and I hope the ties are strong in the next generation, too 🙂

    Hope the golden globes were good fun.

  2. i love to hear about your large beautiful Italian family!
    my own is so small. one brother. and his son and wife and two boys.
    that's IT! but they are treasures to me.
    i watched downton abbey last night. the last season. oh my.
    i will go into withdrawal i know! XOXO♥

  3. Yay for guilty pleasures.
    We shouldn't feel all that guilty that we find pleasure in something as simple as a good television program or a day to just sit back and relax. Hope you could fully enjoy both.

  4. I so enjoy hearing about your extended family. The photos on FB showed how well you all get along. A family like that is most certainly a blessing.
    Glad to see you writing and linking up again!

  5. Oh Shameless! I missed last night and didn't realize it until I was reading your amazing post. Your family sounds incredible! My son got to spend time with his cousins over Christmas break and it was so so nice. I really wish they lived closer to one another.

  6. Happy New Year, Marisa!

    How lovely to hear about your extended family! You guys really sound close. I can tell; I also come from a very tight-knit bunch, and it is amazing to have such unconditional support and love.


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