Ten Things of Thankful

Sunday Morning – My ten Thankfuls

It is Sunday again… tomorrow is back to work; although some (family included) are celebrating a three-day weekend; I won’t be participating in such an activity. My next holiday will be in 20 weeks.
Yay me; not!
Therefore, even though I like the picture above, and I’d like to wish everyone a Happy Sunday….this is how I SHOULD be feeling about today!
I do and I don’t – although everyone in my house has a day off tomorrow,   I know the crew will have fun;  the kids will be with their dad, not alone…or shuffled to a friend’s house.   That counts for my first Thankful.
This morning I woke up early and punched this out while everyone was asleep.
I love quiet Sunday mornings.
In a few minutes, we will all get our day started and we will have for breakfast, toasted raisin bread with some butter, honey, or jam….
Sunday Sauce with meatballs, (add raviolis equals Sunday dinner)
Fried breaded chicken cutlets – which I will prepare for dinner this week.
My mom is coming over this afternoon.
A new phone…. My old phone was not working – overnight it just crashed and burned; last Thursday during my lunch hour I went and picked up a new phone… I was due for an upgrade, so it didn’t cost me anything upfront.
I was glad that I did, because that afternoon, my doctor’s office called  me about blood-work, and it’s  determined why I have been feeling  tired  and blah; it is because of a sluggish thyroid.  Yup,  I have hypothyroidism – with the medication, I’ll be fine.
Last thankful- I have a good 12 hours to enjoy this day (I wrote this post this morning) before I feel the ever so ominous Monday creeping up!
Enjoy your day …enjoy your week…



9 Comments on “Sunday Morning – My ten Thankfuls

  1. Oooor maybe not because you need to approve comments and there's NO WAY TO TELLL!! Oh the SUSPENSE!

    ANYWAY! I'm glad you've got the thyroid diagnosis, and that your doc can prescribe you something to fix you soon. Feeling sluggish and tired is AWFUL and that happened to me recently, but it turned out to be low iron, so that's in the process of being rectified.

    HUZZAH for all your cooking, and your 12 hours to enjoy the day. I hope Monday (and the rest of your week) prove to be better than you expected.

  2. as much as hypo stinks at least you know and it can be totally managed…so cool… I do a lot of week cooking on sundays…not today… but your plan for sauce sounds really good!

  3. i'm so glad they found the problem… now you can begin to feel better!
    love that little green sleepy monster. I relate! well. not really.
    i'm retired and love it of course.
    the only problem… you usually have to get old to get there!
    but it's worth it. so it's my own thankful! XOXO

  4. With the medication you will have a lot more energy. In my case I also wasn't so cold when everybody else felt just fine. Your meatballs with raviolis and sauce sound like a great dinner.

  5. not to worry I got your back when it comes to approving comments I'm fair….
    I've been on the meds since Friday and I am already feeling better what a difference.
    hope you get the low iron under control
    what can I say I really love to cook 🙂
    so far so good 🙂

  6. As has been said, knowing what ails you and how to manage or treat it is a silver lining indeed. Hope your meds have you feeling less tired and more energetic!
    Sauce on Sunday sounds wonderful – I made a huge batch last night along with stuffed shells. Not sure why I did that on a Wednesday…but I did! And froze two trays of shells and two quarts of sauce for anther day (or several).

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