A Squaarekat Thought

SquareKat —- A four sided- view of just about everything!

SquareKat —- A four-sided- view of just about everything!

Hello Friends
That is the name of my blog and a brief description of the type of writing you might find here. I thought it was quite clever when I created Squaarekat blog.   Unfortunately, I have not written on SquareKat in many months, partly, my attention was focused on Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!  Click here if you would like to visit Mangia, Mangia…No Talk.
I neglected to write on SquareKat, and I will explain why in few minutes, or in an approaching paragraph or two. I also deserted Mangia, Mangia…No Talk! Blog this summer, not intentionally yet my hope was to start writing for Mangia Mangia…No Talk where I left off. I thought once I was able to iron out my schedule – a plan, or routine I would continue where I left off.  The truth is I don’t have time to iron out anything these days; because lately I have taken on way too much, and I am EXHAUSTED; some nights I am too exhausted to fall asleep.  Does that make any sense?

Nevertheless, I feel like I painted myself into a corner in the last few months.  I won’t get into the nitty, gritty of why; because truthfully it doesn’t matter, I repeat it doesn’t matter, and I say this twice so my heart and head hears it too.  What is more important or should be important is a true sense of self-worth- as long as I feel good about me, even if I am trapped in a corner – I should be – I will be okay! Right?  I only wish, it was that easy…I just need to realize that affirmation, and recognize moment by moment that I am okay!   Not worry day by day!



Consequently, enough about me, this post is not about that; it is about the direction I want for SquareKat.   SquareKat was a drawing that my mom drew for me!  My mom is the family peacemaker if anyone in the family got into a fight she always got involved to smooth out the argument. She nurtures everyone around her, she has a pure heart and everyone that meets her loves her.  She is quite insightful with her advice, and quite often she has made me and my sisters laugh so hard that it led to tears in our eyes!  She can be stubborn at times but she believes in what she believes.  Therefore, in 109 words not only did I describe my mom but I think I described SquareKat too!
For many months I have been going through some personal things, that have made me examine many things, and whether it’s my fault or it’s it is an external entity that I keep attracting into my life, whatever it is I cannot allow certain toxic situations or people to determine my emotions.  Not anymore!
Because of this, I am ready to shed a positive light on me and feel a need to attract this light, or positivity for my future, I am calling it banking on my future.  If it sounds new age and hokey-pokey it’s not. For weeks, I have been combing the internet, writing in my journal, and just searching for an optimistic source.  I know when I write I feel good; I also know that I was avoiding writing on my blogs. I knew what I could write on Mangia, Mangia …No Talk, that is easy, my cooking.  However, what do I write about on Squaarekat…?A Four–sided view on just about everything…? WHAT IS A FOUR-SIDED VIEW? – I have no idea and it stumped me!   I’ll tell you this, what I am feeling I think the majority of people you meet today are feeling, a certain uncertainty!  Because of this realization, I started looking for positive, good feeling things out there, you know what, it’s all around us, and it is all around me!
On Facebook today God sent me a message and he says:
Today, Marisa, we believe God wants you to know that…
You will get back to solving all the wrongs in a moment, – how about taking a moment to treasure what is right.
All too often we focus so intently on solving the problems, that we forget to zoom out and celebrate what is good in our life already.
Imagine that an affirmation …                                  SquaareKat will entertain you I guarantee it!

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