A Squaarekat Thought



I took a vacation day last Friday because I needed to get a huge chore done.  This chore was one of those things that kept nagging at me.  The upstairs bedroom became a sore area when almost everything that was brought into the house was dumped into the room …. books, schoolwork, mail, junk mail, bills, fliers…just to name a few.  I hated this area, it made my blood boil thinking about it, but the room wasn’t avoidable, it is not a room I could shut the door and pretend it doesn’t exist.
First, it doesn’t have a door, second, the room is adjacent to my son’s bedroom, but technically, it can be considered the same room; it’s just that we have it separated by the staircase… and finally another reason I couldn’t ignore the area, it’s the same place where I blog and do all my computer things.
Talk about a heavy load and my will to ignore the mess while I made my way to the computer.Yet there was no getting around this I was miserable and cranky because of this area in my home, but I was patient and kept on the blinders since the end of the school year and throughout the summer… I had no other choice we were both working many hours outside the home and the times that we were home other chores trumped cleaning this bedroom. So a couple of weeks ago I realized that Nick would be off last weekend and on Friday as well, and I could ask for a vacation day… I pumped everyone up, and then explained if something lands in your hand at that time, at that exact moment the following actions need to take place:
  1.  File it in its respective place. 
  2.  Put it away, where it belongs
  3.  If none of the above, throw it out….

Here is what happened for two days:


Nick sorting through it all …can you see the messy trail?  I would not dare take any more pictures it is embarrassing.
I went through all the kid’s school stuff … I now have two boxes of usable notebooks. Then I organized all my journals, separated the ones I used from the ones that are still new. I also put together my very own writing space…it is exactly what I need.


 View from the top of the steps.  Sofa bed to the right, desk to the left is where we keep all our important paperwork; i.e. bills, and school paperwork.  The desk with the computer is just that, our desk with the computer. Draping the chair is a shawl I made and wear on chilly nights, when I am writing, stalking Pinterest, or reading blogs.  At the very end of the window is the writing space that I put together, please excuse the window while cleaning I put the valance and a tablecloth in the wash.



Bookcase cleaned and organized



Computer desk


My writing space


A chocolate offering for my muse or for my chocolate-loving genius! Read here why


A reminder ….by the way, I love dragonflies….
I have had these jars for many years, finally, I found a place where they are used or displayed.
I found these in a knick-knack store in the next town where I live …and it makes me laugh because there was one in the store that said “ashes of ex-lovers” I thought that was funny, it reminded me of someone I know.
Believe me, this space might still look cluttered, but it is 100% better than it was. I threw away a lot of the crap that had accumulated, and the rest was put in its place and organized… It is still a work in progress. Next job the basement!





  • tammy j

    gorgeous job! and I laughed throughout. it does feel so good to get things in order though.
    and . . .
    man! I love that bookcase. I have one in dark wood that stands tall. I would love one low like that and in a honey pine. thinking I might try to talk the marine into making me one! LOVE IT! and the room. very cosy space to write. now . . . just have a plate of wings nearby . . . and teddy on your lap! XOXOXO

  • Marisa B

    Thank you Tammy we are relieved with the bedroom …as for Teddy he is now allowed to come up and hang with us or me there is nothing around that he could swallow and choke…he usually jumps on the sofa curls up and sleeps…it's very cozy; my friend Laurie wants to move in! LOL, says a space like this is all she needs! That bookcase was made for me by my dad when we lived in a condo townhouse in Queens a NYC Borough it was for a half of wall for a loft room that was considered a second bedroom. When I sold the condo I could not leave it behind and had no idea where to put it when it came with us, imagine our surprise that it fit so nicely on that wall!
    This chore felt good!


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