A Squaarekat Thought

Passionately Curious

If I had to pick a saying that might describe me, it would have to be this one:

“I have no special talents, I am only Passionately Curious!”
Albert Einstein
Yes, I can say that I am passionately curious; I have always had a need to know more and a want to do good for everyone and myself. Yet the truth is I know that I am missing a couple of traits that are needed to be passionately curious, successfully.
These additional qualities are carefree and fearless.
Despite the fact, I often do things that fit Mr. Einstein’s quote. I usually am fearful and always wonder; am I doing the right thing, and will it or will I be accepted? (Who cares; apparently, I do) I often think that my actions and I will not be accepted.
What follows is that my serious somber mind takes over and what the heart wants to express and reveal is silenced with fear.
Perhaps that is the answer to being passionately curious, carefree and fearless. Passion and curiosity actually come from the heart, it belongs there, without fear or regrets, because that is where it will thrive.
Moreover, who knows by following this one simple rule I can actually follow my dream!




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