A Squaarekat Thought

If I Had A Million Dollars



I love receiving gifts! Who doesn’t love getting a gift?  I know my kids love getting gifts, whether it is an up to the minute latest greatest gadget or a cracker-jack kind of prize from the prize box at school they both hold a certain value…right?
So allow me to backtrack to a couple of days ago when I decided that I could participate in Blogher’s NaBloPoMo….I think I bit off more than I can chew (but I am up for the challenge). Because I want this to work and succeed; since starting “SquaareKat” and my food blog; “Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!” all I faced was resistance, excuses, and more excuses.
I don’t need to spell it out where the negative comes from…right? Me!
So when I saw the email… I thought a 30-day writing challenge is just what I need…I read or heard somewhere that if you do something, or the same thing, for 30 days it becomes a habit.
Writing is one habit that will be welcomed.
Now back to the gift…
As I said before I love gifts…my favorite gifts are the ones I give out…however, the best ones are the presents that are not expected, that surprise…I absolutely love these because they can come from anywhere.
These gifts are the ones that appear after you think of them. Did you ever think about a movie and thought oh I loved that movie, but you hadn’t seen it in a long time, a couple of days later you are flipping through the channels and poof it’s there for you to watch or DVR. I call these gifts…I do!
Yesterday was no different because my friend Laurie gave me a wonderful and cute gift.  Friday’s suggestion was to write about receiving one million dollars in the morning and spending it by the evening. I did post a quick post on Friday about Halloween yet that question was on my mind…. I kept thinking about this question…
If I had a million dollars…
It must have been heavy on my mind….
Now without further ado, I present to you:
The Barenaked Ladies
If I had a Million $$$$


My friend Laurie reminded me of this song, last night on our way home from my sons Boy Scout Turkey Roast. 
My son James camped out with his troop this weekend, and on Saturday, the families were invited for a Turkey Roast.  Everything was delicious, the autumn day was gorgeous, and the park/campgrounds were beautiful.  Hubby had to work so I asked Laurie and her son to join us…I had no idea how to get there, or where it was, Laurie knew so she drove…when we left the campground we passed some gorgeous homes…I commented how beautiful and Laurie sang:
If I had a million dollars…
She thought I would repeat it on the high note. However, I truly had forgotten this song; I mean once I was reminded I remembered it and remember liking it too… but I asked her, “What did you just say?”…Laurie said Bare Naked Ladies; if I had a million dollars come on sing the high note…no I can’t sing the high note I said laughing.  At a red light, she downloaded the song from I Tunes we listened to the song on the way home… I was thrilled.
Therefore, if I had a million dollars, to spend in one day, I would pay off everything I owe.  Give a good portion of the money to my children for college and their future. Whatever is left, in the evening I would have a great party for everyone I know, there would be delicious food and drinks.  And I pay the Barenaked Ladies to come sing for us “If I had a Million Dollars”! 
While wearing a green dress…not a real green dress…that’s cruel!

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