Ten Things of Thankful

Holding On With Two Hands-Ten Things of Thankful…

All in all, we had a good week – no one was hurt, the dogs got along, and the rest of them that stayed home had a nice relaxing vacation…
That is until I voiced my need for a better-organized cleaner basement.
In two days, laundry was done, put away, and the basement cleaned ….   While I was at work, how’s that for delegation.  That begins my one and two thankfuls!
We had a visitor for ten days …. What a sweet and gentle baby!
Happy Harry a.k.a. Roadblock stayed at our pet friendly spa!
Continuing with Thankful three, Tiny Teddy a.k.a Pothole and Roadblock both got along…. In fact, Teddy would go over to Harry and try to communicate as dogs like to do….
I needed a sick day last week  – was feeling a bit under the weather…achy, cold, feverish…- four and five are to sick days and much needed sleep and rest. 
I’ve  been going through  something  a bit crazy ;  it’s not  like the hives or a the rash ailment, that I am happy to report, seemed to subside quite a lot. My last dose of Benadryl was on Thursday night,  only because I felt like the hives were coming again  – but it seemed to calm the skin, and no hives,  also  the Benadryl doses are far and few.   I think the last Benadryl that I took before Thursday  was maybe three weeks ago – it doesn’t feel like it’s every day or  two or three times a week  anymore –  So number six goes to  –  I  might not have an allergy after – all.
The crazy thing that I’ve been experiencing is anxiety; not panic attacks but anxiety – which can be for a number of reasons, but I think it’s because I am feeling quite sensitive to so many that are suffering with hardships and diseases.  I’m feeling their pain,  yet I’ve convinced myself that  I am  not immune  and that  I should be so grateful for that .  
Although I am also afraid and living like this does not help anyone…. so my number seven goes to meditation  – and even though I only started, I know it is a good practice and a positive step forward for me. In between my meditations, I keep you all in my prayers as well.
Number eight, goes to a much-needed manicure and pedicure for me and my girl…
A true proud moment….


Dinner at our Chili’s   – 
How was your week, if I write a couple of posts this week, which I might, I’ll finally hit number 100
Have a great week ahead – keep your spirits up and if you have to, hang in there – as for me I’m holding on with two hands!
We do what we can – what needs to be done-




16 Comments on “Holding On With Two Hands-Ten Things of Thankful…

  1. Anxiety is such a strange beast. Hope you are feeling better in all the ways by now! My week's been a crazy mess but things are calming down now. Hooray.
    Good luck hitting 100!

  2. So very hope you're feeling better and less anxious. That's such an awful feeling… Also, I'm jealous that you had dinner at Chilis – the two near me have both closed and I miss their fajitas a lot!

  3. Yay for a chores getting done while you were at work!! It had to feel good coming home to that.
    I'm glad your illness was short-lived. Sometimes, we just need a day off to let our body recuperate.

  4. I'm glad you got to take some sick days and that you're feeling better. THANK GOODNESS for Benadryl! I remember having awful allergic reactions to cats, and having to wait, scritching and weeping, for the meds to kick in. Good grief!

    And thanks for any prayers or good thoughts sent out into the universe. I'm glad for your moments of happiness, and I hope your anxiety abates soon. Anxiety's an awful thing to deal with, and I know it can make us think the most irrational things sometimes. I hope you find ways to hang onto truths and tangibles while you work through your week.

    (nearly 100? YAY!)

  5. They cleaned the basement and you weren't even there to crack the whip? That's worth 10 thankfuls right there!
    Love the nicknames for the dogs!
    Your plan of prayer and meditation for your anxiety sounds like a good one. And yes, it's always good not to have allergies of any kind, although my daughter gets a rash when she gets really anxious and stressed, so maybe yours were related?

  6. I feel the ups and downs of your week in all that you have written. I know that anxiety that comes from feeling for others, right down in my belly. Have a good one.

  7. oh little teddy bear! sharing his throne with a smiling golden!
    you KNOW I love those pictures.
    I hope you feel better.
    I think you're a dynamo. and maybe you just reach even YOUR limit!!! LOL!
    but rash and chills and feeling bad are not a laughing matter.
    hugs to you dearest bean. XOXO♥

  8. what's strange is the funk and the severity of my thoughts oh and the waiting and expecting the shoe to drop —- glad to here that your week is getting better TY

  9. Kristi I hate to do this to you i had the fajitas on Saturday – you need to start a petition and get Chili's back, so good –
    anxiety is weird I can say that …

  10. i am always praying even whispering it under my breath many times during the day it seems like way too many of us has a cross to bear…

    hang onto the truths (a mouthful indeed)


  11. they did … and even folded all their little unmatched socks and put them away alleluia
    I think they like the nick names too the allergies and stress is interesting
    prayers and mediation is needed and good Karma too – ty

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