A Squaarekat Thought

Hello 2013……


Hello 2013……


I. The Awesome Three; waiting to Feast! Teddy trying to get in the picture too!


Happy New Year!

           What a wonderful day we had, above is the family waiting patiently while I take a picture of them, mouths watering for the wonderful meal I created!



II. Our first year enjoying our New Year Feast as a family!


           Every New Year’s Day we have always started our day with Eggs Benedict and French toast- It means to us (Nick & I ) something rich and something sweet…..We have been going to a local diner in our town for so long….this year we decided to skip the diner and have the same meal at home.  



III. Our second year eating our New Year feast!   

We spent New Year’s Eve at my sister’s, with family and good friends.  We got home very late (3AM); and ended up having a late start this morning, at first the traditional meal was  planned as breakfast, then as the hands on the clock kept moving ahead I was calling it brunch….by the time I started and finished, it ended up being our meal for the day eating it at 3:30 pm!


On the menu:

  • Eggs Benedict, even Teddy ….got a poached egg—a well done poached egg.
  • Tater Tot home fries
  • French Toast with maple syrup,
  • Orange juice for the kids,
  • Mimosas for Nick & I ( 1 glass each – 1 tall glass each)

More about the New Year’s Day meal (in a couple of days) on my food blog Mangia, Mangia no Talk!  You can read about it on the following link: http://mangiamangianotalk.blogspot.com/
          Last night before we left for the 7 minute drive to my sister’s home, we all wrote on paper what we did not want for the New Year and burned them; we do this every year; we usually also burn what we want for the New Year—-a few weeks ago while reading a blog I am following I came across a New Year tradition of a family who cast stones into the ocean with words written on the stones of what they want for the New Year – to me this made more sense because it seams to me it is better to cast a wish, desire or hope than to destroy it – as in let it out there into the universe and sees what happens.  You can read about it on the following link: http://viewsfrommykitchensink.blogspot.com/2012/01/happy-new-year.html   

           Like I said before, we ate late, time was running out as always, and we needed to get James a new backpack his was destroyed,  so we went to Target when we finished it was late and getting dark but being the family we are, we set out for our body of water which is our town beach and actually The Long Island Sound, it was dark, cold and windy, but my kids ran out found four rocks  and in the car we wrote on our rocks what we wanted for the New Year! We bundled up ran out of the car to run quickly to the shore, as I ran around the car I found a pristine white feather ….so lovely! We cast our stones and laughed so hard because the beach was deserted, cold and windy; on the way home we heard two great songs!  Better Things by the Kinks followed by Glad Tidings by Van Morrison – how awesome! 


Rocks from my bathroom- Lyrics from “Better Things” By The Kinks


“I know you’ve got a lot of good things happening up ahead.
 The past is gone it’s all been said.
 So here’s to what the future brings,
 I know tomorrow you’ll find better things.
 I know tomorrow you’ll find better things”


And we’ll send you glad tidings from New York”


Lyrics from Glad Tidings by Van Morrison

One Comment

  • tammy j

    oh my gosh marisa.
    i was there! enjoying the fun feast . . . the mimosas! LOL
    and the icy cold air on the deserted beach … and the beautiful birth of a new family tradition. how rare and wonderful is that.
    i can't believe you haven't written here since January! this will be my favorite blog of yours.
    i don't like to cook!
    there. i said it. shameful but true.
    but this blog. this blog has your heart.
    and it's beautiful.
    and p.s.
    those little children look like you and your husband. they do!!! the universe blessed you with your own children who just happened to be by way of russia!

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