Ten Things of Thankful

Finally, a Post – “Can We All Get Along?”


I have not written a post in a long time, my last post was in October, I was in the middle of a Blogher challenge, which at that time, my efforts, and enthusiasm all went kaput.  Seriously, saying that I was deflated was an understatement- what was the final straw – truthfully, I cannot share this  specific  event  with  you,  this has to stay in my private life however  I can vaguely tell you that it started with lies.  
I consider myself an honest person, withholding the truth is a lie, being lied to by someone who uses it as defensive motive or as a first instinct to protect him or herself is a lie too and frustrating. Although I understand why it is still is binding and each day I am lied to, it truly chips away anything good and positive. 
Having said all of that, I need to explain that I also realized one important thing, if lies are swirling all around me what is the universe trying to tell me. 
For the first time I thought that perhaps even though I am being lied to, maybe just maybe I am also displaying moments of deceit; in other words I am also not being honest with myself.
Believing everything will be OK– and that I’m OK ….you know?
Well maybe I wasn’t entirely honest… nevertheless, life went on, and I had to move on. I made some adjustments and trying to take care of me and my household the best I can.
I feel I need to explain my absence –  yet  so much time passed, to be honest does  it matter –  look October was a tough month  – following that were the holidays, which are stressful for me,  yet we all began the new year – hopeful and happy.
Another thing that occurred during that time was not only deceit but also sadness I remember feeling very sad because of such horrid news in our country and around the world.
I remember, many years ago, a co-worker  brought in this book for us to see, it was this book about birthdays  and each birthday had an entire page of the history of that day  –  each birthday also had a  quote  or saying – my saying was  “Can We All Get Along!”
I want to start by sharing my 10 thankfuls and commemorating 1000 Voices Speaks for Compassion
My Thankfuls are:
Ten – Strong Women everywhere who understand and sees that we are all connected; we all know and feel it in our bones that something is not right.
Nine – I am so thankful that I am able to feed my family, and every night we all sit together and share the meal that I made.
Eight – It was Valentine’s Day yesterday; Nick surprised the four of us with reservations at our favorite Japanese restaurant – we had hibachi, shared a sushi roll, Nick and I shared some warm Saki and the kids drank their favorite strawberry Japanese soda. Thank you, it was very nice to get to go out.
Seven –  Tonight SNL celebrates 40 years and the late great Gilda Radner always said “it’s always something”  I need to remember that and just enjoy the present moment; because that is what we have.
Six – Winter break starts this week; Nick will be home too and has plans of organizing some areas of the house that desperately need attention-  
Five – The kids will help.
Four – Two family members are not well, but for now we take each moment to be hopeful for them – and with prayer and family bonds we will get through it .
Three –   like I said or thought, “it’s always something!” and because some areas of my life are not perfect it does not mean that I stop enjoying what I do have.
Two –  Silence is golden – sometimes I need to be quiet and listen – sometimes that part of me needs to be treated with compassion.
One –  Compassion and the Golden rule go hand in hand.  We need to treat others as we want to be treated  and we need to treat ourselves how we want to be treated.
This week I plan to pop in throughout the week writing about compassion – It needs to be done,  it needs to be said and truthfully we all need to be provoked.
I want to be another voice among the 1000, please join the conversation, the  1000 voices of compassion is this;  Let’s get 1000 bloggers to write posts about compassion, kindness, support, caring for others, non-judgement, care for the environment etc., and ALL PUBLISH ON THE SAME DAY (Feb 20th) to flood the Blogosphere with GOOD! Use the hashtag #1000Speak to promote this event.  
Thank you Ms. Yvonne Spencer one of the founders of 1000 Words of Compassion and all the lovely women who are rallying behind this wonderful deed.  We will use our words to shed a light to kindness, on February 20.  May our voices ring out to all corners of the world!
Now I would not be a true New Yorker If I did not leave with this….
“The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.”
― Mark Twain




12 Comments on “Finally, a Post – “Can We All Get Along?”

  1. Winter Break with your husband home along with the kids?! THAT is a really good thing! A nice family dinner out is good too. I am sorry that you had so much negativity and sadness in your life. Whatever it was, I hope that it has cleared out of your heart. Here's to a week filled with thankfuls!

  2. I am sorry too…what is more disappointing is how It stops me from doing what I enjoy and blinds me from the good things… I am so looking forward to 1000speaks,
    Valentines was a surprised and fun too
    Kids are home with Nick this week I am working so I am leaning it all on him to get it done Ha ha!

  3. Thank you – kids are home with the husband I will be at the job relaxing Ha – dinner was great I enjoyed so much. the negativity is something that is workable and not completely in the past it is being dealt with and managed – the sadness was the outside coming in by news and media it actually put me in a funk – maybe it was close to the holidays – maybe it was OMG enough already…not sure that is why I want to be part of #1000voices – thanks for stopping by.

  4. I'm sorry your absence was kicked off because of troubling things. I hope everything has worked out to a good ending, or at least an understanding.
    Glad to have you back, and just in time for the 1000speak.
    What a lovely night out for Valentine's Day.
    Enjoy your winter break and good luck getting some things done!

  5. i'm glad you decided to return, especially before the 1000 voices of compassion challenge! You have some great things to be thankful for, especially the surprise dinner! Have a blessed week!

  6. Let me know how #5 works out for you 🙂
    I had a horrid incident in my personal life about a year ago. I never wrote about it and never will. But it will be with me always. So you have my complete understanding and empathy. I hope things are better for you.
    Here's my #11 for my own list: I'm thankful for Marisa, who reads my little blog and comments regularly and makes me feel happy and loved.

  7. I do hope that the things that plagued you and prompted your absence have worked out for the best.
    Sorry you have family members not well, too – sending wishes for health.Sounds you like just had so much on your plate to handle.
    The 1000 Voices is a great thing and what a good time to jump back in. Glad you're with us!

  8. Oh Dyanne # 5 lately it's a tiny struggle – but I have to say they are helpful more so with the kids that around them so what they can do and do is always appreciated.
    It's horrible when the shoe drops and we become numb – i am taking it one day at a time and know how strong and stubborn I am or can be.
    awwww big smile I love visiting you


  9. Glad to see that you are back in the blogosphere, and hoping all is improved now in your private life. Great post – keep them coming 🙂

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