Compassion In A Divided Space…

Once upon a time 1000 voices simultaneously spoke words of peace, kindness and patience.”  Some throughout the land listened.  “Ssh!”  they asked, “can you hear them?”  Yes, yes everyone proclaimed we could hear the 1000 voices of compassion.  And all was well in the land – the end…

If only it were that easy. 

Compassion is the desire to alleviate distress.  It is a sympathetic gesture, a helping hand, a kind word, a selfless act, a moment of courage and an awareness of responsibility.   

Compassion is a pro-active approach because of everything we learned in our lifespan. Yet I cannot help to say aloud at times; have we learned nothing throughout history?  Are the history lessons we were taught actually vague predictions that might be repeated?

Somewhere between kindergarten, forgetting the golden rule and becoming jaded, not only have we stopped listening to one another but we also do not shut-up anymore.   We have become a society of intangible connections – a link of a thin virtual line that is invisible and detached.  Moreover, because of that detachment it is easier to proclaim of something we know nothing of, and state our beliefs with gusto, pride and perhaps a touch of ego.  

Before I step onto my soapbox, I want you all to know a couple of things.   This post is not about politics; although it may sound that way while reading between the lines – if it does, perhaps, that may be your connection to what is going on in your world.   The second thing I want you all to know is, this is not an easy post to write – trying to be neutral, trying not to sound critical or implementing my own agenda; I feel that what I write might be close to blurred lines.   Yet I persist to get my point across –  today I have to write about  compassion vs complacency ;  apathy and division  and  perhaps bridging our differences.

I think we have become a society of whispers, talks, mumbles – talking heads at best with nothing substantial or significant to express, except, I am right, and you’re wrong.   

We are not physically attached anymore – so it is easy to post something crude, crass and quite opinionated on social media.    Maybe that is our right, a freedom that we have – but truthfully would anyone ever consider posting on your living room walls or better yet your front lawn anything about your beliefs if everyone you know were in your living room or visiting…. I know I wouldn’t, and not because I’m afraid that not everyone will agree, but because although some may agree and others will disagree in the end it just creates an unfriendly atmosphere  –   and I do not want my visitors to feel unwelcomed; as I do not want to feel uncomfortable when I visit my friends and family. 

Yet we have seen many injustice in the past many years – it is so easy to want to express a thought, a witty remark, a condolence,  a loyalty or even  a disloyalty;  believe me I adore lovely witty banter – but truthfully witty can become sarcastic under tones quite quickly, and sarcastic under tones can become unrecognizable. 

Complacency is easy, dare I say a cop-out; and although I am concerned that we have become accustomed to things as they are; it is shocking that we indifferently get use to a status quo that we know is not right. 

Therefore, as I finally stand tall on my soapbox, and as I try to raise my voice of compassion between the din, and clatter, I know there is division among many of us.  Consequently, I ask you; what is truly in that divided space; along with a common ground, a place to agree to disagree.  I ask you what is hidden in the space of hatred and ego.   Here is a hint, without it, compassion does not stand a chance; the element I refer to is conscience.  – That is the part of compassion that makes us aware of responsibility.  

Conscience does not hold back; it is a mirror that you need to look at straight on, without looking away, and feeling squeamish.   Conscience is truth, courage and forgiving all at the same time.   Our morals and integrity will stop words of hate, and acts of violence.   

In these times, whatever you may believe in, or stand for, or against Conscience will have to bridge our differences. 

That is up to all of us. Let us change our language with one another, let us respect our similarities and understand the differences. Let us seek the truth and finally allow each other to ask the questions, stand up to what is wrong and let us be accountable of our mistakes as well as learn from them too.

Once upon a time 1000 voices simultaneously spoke words of peace, kindness and patience.”  Some throughout the land listened.  “Ssh!”  they asked, “can you hear them?”  Yes, yes everyone proclaimed we could hear the 1000 voices of compassion.  And all was well in the land – the end…

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